Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Technology can save you time and effort, making you more productive and profitable. Over the centuries, many tools have come and gone. They helped build economies and develop societies. Today, a tool with the potential to massively change modern life is artificial intelligence (AI). Mohr Marketing uses AI to make gathering leads more effective and efficient, potentially providing you with more clients in less time.

AI allows computers to behave in ways we previously thought needed human intelligence. Most AI programs focus on specific tasks. It can recognize faces, transcribe audio, and organize content on social media.

AI automates the mental equivalent of swinging a hammer or stuffing envelopes all day. Multiple, repetitive mental tasks can be combined to help users become more productive. Machine learning is used to train computer models with huge amounts of samples. An algorithm analyzes and finds patterns and then develops its behavior. Deep learning, a kind of machine learning, has become very popular. It can process unstructured data to develop ways to make complex decisions.

You may have heard that AI is helping forecast the weather to putting the “smart” in smart home devices, banking, and internet security. We use AI, machine learning, and deep learning to verify a lead’s contact information, date of birth, and the last four digits of their social security number. We still rely on staff, who review our intake questionnaire with a prospect while using AI to verify and supplement the information we receive.

Our platform finds the person’s online footprint, including contact information, email addresses, and other useful information the internet can provide. Our system helps ensure the information we send to you is accurate. Prospects haven’t always given us valid contact information in the past, so we developed this technology to help you and us avoid wasting time.

With AI assistance, you won’t call the wrong phone numbers or send emails that can’t be delivered. You or your staff will be more productive and do more, helping make your practice more profitable.

AI also helps us persuade prospects to contact us. If he or she is searching for online information concerning a need for your service, AI can help us show advertising across all channels and devices, which may result in a quick response.

How do you compete against other businesses to get leads that can result in substantial revenue? You hire Mohr Marketing. Avoid all these hassles and budget-busting marketing and advertising. Connect with potential clients who are ready, willing, and able to retain your services. We use our energy and expertise to obtain the highest quality leads for our clients. We use highly sophisticated marketing and advertising campaigns, with a little help from AI, so you won’t have to.

We offer a variety of lead generation programs to fit any practice’s budget. Starting with call-transferred leads is a great way to build your practice and supplement your other marketing efforts.

Each program we offer was developed to boost your practice’s visibility and get your phone to ring.

If you sign up for one or more of our marketing services, you will need to hire more personnel to handle all of your new business.

Get started before your competitors do …there is a limit to how many clients we can onboard.